Venezuela's Collapse:
The Long Story of How Things Fell Apart
Carlos Lizarralde
How did Latin America's exceptional democracy become a nearly failed state? Why would a leader firmly in control plunge one of the planet's richest countries into a humanitarian crisis?
Conventional wisdom blames the wicked madness of a populist who squandered an oil fortune. Venezuela's Collapse offers an alternative account that places race, ethnicity, and the conflict over resources and power at the center of Hugo Chavez’s story.
Venezuela's Collapse chronicles 500 years of demographic, cultural, and economic strands that came together in 1998 as the country elected a dashing new President. He promised his country the moon only to usher in an unimaginable catastrophe. Tracing the dismantling of the liberal state, the ransacking of public and private enterprises, and the emergence of a feudal world of violence, hunger, and disease, Venezuela's Collapse offers a compelling argument about the historical nature of the Chavista years until 2019.
Venezuela's uncertain future will be determined by the long and conflicted past that fueled the Bolivarian Revolution. Collapse offers a road map to decode the years ahead.
Venezuela's Collapse is on sale at the Codex shop, and in Kindle and mass market editions at and Amazon sites around the world.
"This riveting book is a thorough and serious examination of Venezuelan history, attempting to explain how one of the richest countries in the world toppled into one of the biggest political, economic, and humanitarian disasters of recent times. Lizarralde's analysis is devastating and illuminating. Venezuela's Collapse is a timely and crucial book. I couldn't put it down." Ariana Neumann, author of the New York Times Bestseller When Time Stopped, National Jewish Book Award
“Every day, we wonder what's become of our country. Millions have left, and many more are fleeing. With abundant oil resources untapped, Venezuelans still go hungry. Everyone has theories, but Carlos Lizarralde digs into our history, going way back to the 1500s, to figure it out. The result? A captivating essay full of eye-opening insights—a real page-turner”
Édgar Ramírez, César du cinéma and two nominations to the Golden Globes
“This book is the best chronicle I’ve read of the historical events that led to the Chavez presidency and the subsequent destruction of Venezuela's democracy. Lizarralde’s wealth of knowledge and erudition are truly astonishing. This is a must read book for anyone who wants to understand how Chavez became possible”
Moisés Kaufman, Berlin Film Festival’s Golden Bear, US National Medal of Arts
"This essential book offers deep insights into present-day Venezuela, shedding light on the roots of its current crisis. With captivating narrative and analysis, it serves as a compass to navigate the past, helping readers comprehend the complexities that have led to the country's downfall. By illuminating the demons haunting the nation, we can begin to confront and address them, offering hope for a better future.”
Boris Muñoz, Maria Moors Cabot Award, founding editor opinion page of The New York Times en Español.
“Provocative… A fascinating thesis. Must read for anyone interested in the social dynamics of Venezuela.”
Alfredo Brillembourg, Venice Biennale of Architecture’s Golden Lion
“Carlos Lizarralde goes back to colonial times and returns to the present with shocking answers. A marvelous essay by a careful thinker, this book will become mandatory reading for those who seek to understand what happened to the country that was once the world’s first oil exporter.”
Michelle Roche Rodríguez, Celsius Award Finalist for her novel Malasangre
"A daring and controversial thesis at the heart of a great book. Collapse must be read so we finally have a debate we've owed ourselves for a long time."
Claudia Larraguíbel, White Ravens Award, Babelia's Award for Best Youth Novel
“The dismantling of Venezuela's modern democracy paved the way for the authoritarian streak now evident everywhere. Lizarralde's Collapse offers a carefully documented chronicle of that process. Written in clear, readable, and entertaining language. A must read.”
Alexander Apostol, permanent collections at the Guggenheim, Reina Sofía, and Tate Modern museums.
"The past has the answer. Venezuela’s Collapse: The Long Story of How Things Fell Apart is the Black Box that tells the chronicle of a disaster that happened in slow motion and yet no one saw coming. This is a brilliant recounting of a downfall, the story of a death foretold."
Keila Vall de la Ville, International Latino Book Award
"Whatever happened in our recent history is difficult to explain, and without a doubt, it involved many shades of gray. This book searches for what happened without passion or hatred. Essential reading."
Sebastián Ayala, three Latin Grammys and a nomination to a Grammy Award